G. I. GURDJIEFFLife is real onlythen, when "I am"ALL AND EVERYTHING/THIRD SERIESALL AND EVERYTHINGTen Books in Three SeriesFIRST SERIES:Three Tales tobooks Hisunder thetitle or,of "Beelzebub'sGrandson""AnObjectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man,"SECOND SERIES: Three books under the common title of "Meetings with Remarkable Men."THIRD SERIES: Four books under the common title of "Life Is Real Only Then, When IAm."All written according to entirely new principles of logical reasoning and strictly directedtowards the solution of the following three cardinal problems: To destroy, mercilessly,without any compromises whatsoever, in the mentation and feelings of the reader, thebeliefs and views, by centuries rooted in him, about everything existing in the world. Toacquaint the reader with the material required for a new creation and to prove thesoundness and good quality of it.THIRD SERIES: SECOND SERIES: FIRST SERIES:To assist the arising, in the mentation and in the
feelings of the reader, of a veritable, nonfantastic representation not of that illusory worldwhich he now perceives, but of the world existing in reality."No one interested in my writings should ever attempt to read them in any other than theindicated order; in other words, he should never read anything written by me before he isalready well acquainted with the earlier works."G. I. GURDJIEFF"... as regards the real, indubitably comprehensible, genuine objective truths which will bebrought to light by me in the third series, I intend to make them accessible exclusively onlyto those from among the hearers of the second series of my writings who will be selectedby specially prepared people according to my considered instructions." G.I.GURDJIEFF,Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson (Third Book, p. 428)PREFATORY NOTEAlthough this text is no more than a fragmentary and preliminary draft of what G. I.Gurdjieff intended to write for the Third Series, "Life Is Real Only Then, When 'I Am,' " hisfamily feel obliged to obey our uncle's wish, as he emphasized in his introduction, "toshare with creatures similar to himself everything he had learned about the inner world of man." We consider we are being faithful to his intention when he wrote the introductionand thus are also meeting the expectations of very many people interested in his teaching.On behalf of the family,VALENTIN ANASTASIEFFFOREWORD"My last book, through which I wish to share with other creatures of our Common Father similar to myself, almost all the previously unknown mysteries of the inner world of manwhich I have accidentally learned." Gurdjieff wrote these words on the 6th of November,1934, and immediately started to work. For the next few months he devoted himself entirely to working out his ideas for this book. Then suddenly, on the 2nd of April, 1935, hecompletely stopped writing. One is bound to ask: why did he abandon the project at thispoint and never return to it again? Why did he leave this Third Series unfinished andapparently give up his intention to publish it? It is not possible to answer these questionsunless one has been oneself engaged in the intensive work which Gurdjieff undertook inthe last fifteen years of his life with a certain number of pupils, creating for them day after day the conditions necessary for a direct and practical study of his ideas. He let it beclearly understood, on the last page of 'Beelzebub'sTales to His Grandson, that the Third Series would be accessible only to those who wouldbe selected as capable of understanding "the genuine objective truths which he will bringto light" in this Series. Gurdjieff speaks to the man of today, that is, someone who no
longer knows how to recognize the truth revealed to him in different forms since theearliest times—-to someone with a deep sense of dissatisfaction, who feels isolated,meaningless. But, given such a man, how to awaken in him an intelligence that candistinguish the real from the illusory? According to Gurdjieff, the truth can be approachedonly if all the parts which make up the human being, the thought, the feeling and the body,are touched with the same force and in the particular way appropriate to each of them—failing which, development will inevitably be one-sided and sooner or later come to a stop.In the absence of an effective understanding of this principle, all work on oneself is certainto deviate from the aim. The essential conditions will be wrongly understood and one willsee a mechanical repetition of forms of effort which never surpass a quite ordinary level.Gurdjieff knew how to make use of every circumstance of life to have people feel the truth.I have seen him at work, listening to the possibilities of un derstanding in each of hisgroups and also to the subjective difficulties of each pupil. I have seen him deliberatelyputting the accent on a particular aspect of knowledge, then on another aspect, accordingto a very definite plan—working at times with a thought that stimulated the intellect andopened up an entirely new vision, at times with a feeling that required giving up all artificein favor of an immediate and complete sincerity, attimes with the awakening and putting in motion of a body that responded freely towhatever it was asked to serve. So what did he have in mind in writing the Third Series?The role he assigned to it cannot be disassociated from his way of teaching. At the precisemoment he found it necessary, he would have a particular chapter or a particular passageread aloud in his presence, bringing suggestions or images to his pupils which put themsuddenly in front of themselves and their inner contradictions. It was a way that did notisolate them from life but passed through life, a way that took into account the yes and theno, the oppositions, all the contrary forces, a way that made them understand thenecessity of struggling to rise above the battle while at the same time taking part in it. Onewas brought to a threshold to be crossed and for the first time one felt that completesincerity was required of one. It might appear to be a difficult passage but what was beingleft behind no longer had the old attraction. In front of certain hesitations, the pictureGurdjieff gave of himself was a measure of what it was necessary to give and of what hadto be given up in order not to take a wrong turn. Then it was no longer the teaching of thedoctrine but the incarnate action of knowledge. The Third Series, incomplete andunfinished as it is, reveals the action of the master—of the one who, simply by hispresence, obliges you to come to a decision, to know what you want. Before he died,Gurdjieff sent for me to tell me how he saw the state of affairs and to give me certaininstructions: "Publish as and when you are sure that the time has come. Publish the Firstand Second Series. But the essential thing, thefirst thing, is to prepare a nucleus of people capable of responding to the demand whichwill arise. "So long as there is no responsible nucleus, the action of the ideas will not gobeyond a certain threshold. That will take time ... a lot of time, even. "To publish the ThirdSeries is not necessary. "It was written for another purpose. "Nevertheless, if you believeyou ought to do so one day, publish it." The task became clear to me: as soon as the FirstSeries had been published, it would be necessary to work without respite to form a
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